Live hacking will be more popular in 2019.. !!!

Hacking of information and personal data will be more popular in coming days. It will not require the traditional software or infrastructure to detect and destroy, rather it will be more autonomous by the use of high end AI and machine learning capabilities. The machine will decide and detect the frailty of another machine and thus the attack will begin.

Source: Live hacking will be more popular in 2019.. !!!

GDPR Will Change The Business Dynamics

GDPR Will Change The Business DynamicsWith the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) came into effect from 25th May 2018 in Europe. Now citizens across will have the choice and more control over their personal data, including what messages they want to receive from marketers, hence it will be difficult for the corporates to share their bulk branding campaigns share through either digital or social media campaigns .The fact behind it , with the help of artificial Intelligence ( AI),when a consumer clicks the advertisement, all the user data/behaviour/profile/buying pattern can be captured. Now, the question comes on how to do impact-full marketing to reach out the target audiences.

Globally, the increasing number of cybercrimes has made it imperative for companies to keep pace in hiring the right talent to combat them. Therefore, companies across the world are gearing up to ensure compliance to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and ePrivacy requirements. While the larger technology giants are more or less equipped to comply, it is the mid-size and smaller firms that are seeking professionals to help them cope with the requirements the new laws entail and data security is the biggest reason for SMEs not taking up Cloud Computing ….Read More


Security concern on email attacks/Tough days ahead with GDPR

Security concern on email attacks Tough days ahead with GDPRIt is also true that the phishing email to delivering ransomware. Organizations need to understand how ransomware works and what needs to happen in order for an infection to be successful. Let’s break down what the infection process looks like, starting with the most common ways ransomware gets delivered and the steps you can take to reduce your risk. We’ve heard the horror stories about employees finding USB flash drives in the parking lot and plugging them in. But by far, the two primary, most likely delivery channels for ransomware are email and compromised websites. Email is the most ubiquitous method of communication on the Internet. Email is the most ubiquitous method of communication on the Internet .

E-mail was not designed with any privacy or security in mind. There have been many efforts to make email more secure and the lack of email security is also having some surprising collateral damage.For cyber criminals, email serves as a direct line straight to the soft, chewy, vulnerable center of your network – your users. By sending emails disguised as legitimate messages the hope for ransomware authors is they can trick users into either opening an infected attachment or clicking a link that takes the user to an infected website.

It’s a tactic referred to as phishing (attackers try to catch users by luring them into taking the bait). Unfortunately, it can be highly effective – according to the Verizon 2016 Data Breach Investigation Report, phishing emails have an average open rate of 30% – and research shows ransomware is now the #1 type of malware that phishing delivers…..Read More